Tuesday, October 1, 2024
1. Electoral College: Reconsidering voting system; examining democratic representation.
2. Politicians' ages: Age factor in political leadership considered.
3. Downtown Minneapolis: Vibrant heart of Minnesota's largest city.
4. Diversity in business: Encouraging inclusivity, fostering diverse entrepreneurial landscape.

1. Electoral College: Reconsidering voting system; examining democratic representation. 2. Politicians’ ages: Age factor in political leadership considered. 3. Downtown Minneapolis: Vibrant heart of Minnesota’s largest city. 4. Diversity in business: Encouraging inclusivity, fostering diverse entrepreneurial landscape.

Star Tribune Opinion welcomes contributions from readers both online and in print every day. To submit your own letter, click here.

In a recent column by D.J. Tice titled “The Electoral College: democracy’s best defense?” (Opinion Exchange, July 30), he presented thoughtful arguments in support of the Electoral College. While his points may have some merit, it is important to consider the context of the Electoral College’s original intent. It was created as a compromise for the slave states, known as the Three-Fifths Compromise, as well as those who preferred state legislatures to select the president. Essentially, it was established because the founding fathers did not trust the “common voter,” a fear that has arguably been proven valid by recent elections. However, the Electoral College immediately failed when it was tested in 1796, resulting in the adoption of the 12th Amendment. Subsequently, it became predominantly controlled by the two major political parties, despite no mention of political parties in the Constitution. While the Electoral College has generally worked, there have been instances where the loser of the popular vote has won via the Electoral College, including two occurrences in the last 23 years.

The results of quoted studies, though interesting, are purely theoretical. What is not theoretical is the reality of the 2016 election, where Trump won the presidency despite losing the popular vote by 3 million. Similarly, in 2020, he would have won again if he had garnered only a few tens of thousands more popular votes in key states, despite losing the popular vote by 7 million. At what point will the disenfranchised voters and states, regardless of their political affiliation, say enough is enough? If the results had been reversed in 2016, it is likely that we would have already seen constitutional amendments and an end to the need for the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact that Tice laments about.

Timothy R. Church from St. Paul points out in a letter that Tice fails to mention the deliberate creation of fake electors in solidly red states during the 2020 election. Though this scheme ultimately failed due to a few elected officials refusing to collaborate on the fraud, it is a near miss that should not be overlooked when discussing electoral fraud and the value of the Electoral College in preventing it.

Moving on to a different topic, Russell L. Prince from Apple Valley proposes the use of catchy phrases or slogans to establish an upper age limit for public officeholders. Given the notable mental failings of some politicians who are 80 years or older, Prince suggests that 80 should be the maximum age for anyone holding public office. He argues that during times of national crisis, it is crucial to have mentally fit leaders making critical decisions on behalf of the nation, as opposed to feebleminded or Alzheimer’s-afflicted individuals clinging to power past their prime.

Expressing concerns about the upcoming 2024 presidential term, Tim Diegel from Edina highlights worries among Democratic voters regarding Joe Biden’s possible incapacitation and the lack of confidence in Vice President Kamala Harris due to her infrequent and not-impressive appearances since 2020. Diegel suggests that to secure the best voter turnout for Democrats, Harris should resign from her position and make room for a younger, experienced Democratic politician with campaign experience. This move would reduce the need for a third-party candidate and increase the likelihood of a Democratic win in 2024.

Paul E. Traynor from Grand Forks, N.D., reflects on the changes he observed in downtown Minneapolis during a recent visit. He describes the once-vibrant downtown area as now resembling an abandoned city, with commercial buildings left vacant. Traynor raises concerns about the Minneapolis City Council’s focus on national systemic racism rather than addressing the local community’s deterioration. He believes that revitalizing the city after the COVID lockdowns and Black Lives Matter rioting should be a top priority to prevent further population decline and solve local problems that impact funding for schools, parks, and public safety.

Jerry Anderson from Minneapolis responds to Myron Medcalf’s suggestion of publishing a list of women and executives of color in major Minnesota-based companies. While acknowledging the importance of diversity in leadership, Anderson notes that many companies, including his own, have already been taking steps to diversify their executive teams for business-related reasons. Companies are recognizing that having a broader mix of talent and stronger connections to increasingly diverse customers and vendors is beneficial for their overall success.


About Nick Dunn

Meet Nick Dunn, an exceptional author on our blog with a focus on news and politics. With an expertise in covering current affairs, international news, opinion and analysis, as well as politics and government, Nick delivers insightful and thought-provoking posts that are both informative and engaging. With his in-depth knowledge and sharp analysis, he keeps you informed and up-to-date on the latest news and developments around the world!

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