Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Philly sports fan becomes full-time influencer.

Philly sports fan becomes full-time influencer.

The Philly Sports Guy: A Professional Superfan

Jamie Pagliei, aka the Philly Sports Guy

The Philly Sports Guy. Photo: Courtesy of Jamie Pagliei

In our local pantheon of superfandom, the Philly Sports Guy makes others seem milquetoast.

A Full-Time Job as a Professional Superfan

  • But did you know it’s his full-time job?
  • Yes, Jamie Pagliei shuttered a masonry and chimney sweeping business to pursue the very niche market of professional superfan influencing.

How it happened: He split with his ex. “I had to figure out what made me happy and I did something I don’t ever do – I made a list. Once you got past all the kids stuff, everything else was sports events.”

An Impressive Attendance Record

  • Games he attends per year: 200. That’s the Union, Phillies, Flyers, Eagles, all of ’em.
  • How he fights Philly’s bad-fan rap: “I don’t curse.”
  • Ever get tired? “When people say, ‘Hey, I’d love to have your job,’ I’m like, ‘Heavy is the crown.'”
  • His dating prospects: “I make the joke all the time that the Philly Sports Guy never gets laid. …

😉 “As much as people love taking pictures with me, they ain’t dating the makeup.”

A Sports-Filled Childhood

His mom worked at the Spectrum so he grew up knowing late Flyers founder Ed Snider: “As a little kid I’m running around … and he’d be like, ‘Jamie, stop running.’ ‘Yes, Mr. Snider.’

  • “You have no choice but to be a sports fan.”

Buried as the Philly Sports Guy

On being buried as the Philly Sports Guy: “No (laughing).”

  • “I do see a lot of stuff being put in the casket. You don’t paint my face to bury me.”

In conclusion, Jamie Pagliei has turned his love for sports events into a career as a professional superfan. His impressive attendance record, positive attitude, and interesting background make him a fascinating figure in the Philly sports community.


About Jonty Jackson

Welcome to the exciting world of sports with Jonty Jackson, who with his passion for all things sports-related, delivers engaging and informative posts that keep his readers up-to-date on the latest news, trends, and developments in the world of games and sports. Whether you're a fan of e-gaming, a lover of outdoor adventures, or a die-hard sports enthusiast, Jonty's posts are the perfect place to find the latest updates and insights on your favorite games and sports. Follow him and join the conversation today!

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