Where the Wild Things Are: A Journey into the Unknown
The Plot
Where the Wild Things Are is a beloved literary classic written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak. The plot revolves around Max, a young boy full of mischiefs, who fantasizes of sailing to an island governed by large, ferocious creatures known as the “Wild Things.” When Max is sent to bed without his supper, he puts on his wolf suit and travels through the abyss to a world beyond his imagination, where he is crowned king of the Wild Things.
The Setting
The world Sendak created in Where the Wild Things Are is undeniably breathtaking. His excellent illustration skills bring to life the magical island Max sails to, a world so vivid it almost doesn’t feel unreal.
The Journey
The journey depicted in this book is undoubtedly a thrilling one. Take your time through the lush pages of the picture book, and let your imagination explore the vast and unknown realms. It gives the gift of the joy of exploration and the pleasure of escape through Max’s adventure.
The Takeaways
One take away from Where the Wild Things Are would be that the fear of the unknown always looms over us. However, it reminds us that instead of being fearful, we should embrace the adventures that come with it, indulging our imagination, keeping the inner child alive.
Another takeaway from this the book is to cherish and appreciate even the smallest moments of joy in our life. It’s a reminder that sometimes, we can become so lost in our search to capture joy, we overlook the little moments for a more significant meaning in our ordinary lives.
Where the Wild Things Are is and will always remain a classic that offers a whole lot of adventurous fun. It’s an absolute treat that will keep captivating readers of all ages with its vibrant texts and illustrations. Max’s head may be full of mischief, but his journey will stir wholesome longings.