Monday, September 30, 2024
celebrity gossips

Top 20 Celebrity Secrets That Page Six Won’t Tell You.

Inside Scoop: Top 20 Celebrity Secrets That Page Six Won’t Tell You

1. Adele can rap

Did you know that Adele’s favorite rap artist is Nicki Minaj and that she can rap flawlessly to “Monster”? Yes, this classic crooner can definitely keep up with the rappers!

2. Angelina Jolie is an excellent cook

Beyond taking on impressive humanitarian work, Angelina Jolie is also an incredible cook. She enjoys cooking meals for her children, and their favorites include Thai and Italian dishes.

3. Beyoncé crafts with her daughter

Not only is The Queen of Pop a skilled singer and performer, but Beyoncé also loves making home-crafted projects with her daughter, Blue Ivy.

4. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has an extensive sneaker collection

One would automatically assume any collection owned by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson would be massive muscles or wrestling belts, but no – it’s sneakers! He loves collecting different types of shoes and has a huge collection.

5. Emma Watson is an accomplished boxer

The young British actress is fierce, both on-screen and in real life. Watson is a skilled boxer and enjoys hitting the punching bag in her free time.

6. George Clooney was a baseball scout

Before he became one of Hollywood’s most prominent stars, George Clooney worked as a baseball scout. He scouted players for guests such as the Los Angeles Dodgers, Cincinnati Reds, and Seattle Mariners.

7. Jay-Z loves art

Beyond his successful career in music, Jay-Z admires fine and conceptual art. The rapper collects artwork by both contemporary and historic artists, including Jean-Michel Basquiat.

8. Jennifer Lawrence won debates as a teenager

The bitingly funny actress, Jennifer Lawrence sharpened her naturally hilarious talent by winning debates and public speaking competitions as a teenager.

9. Katy Perry taught Sunday school

It is hard to think that the queen of chart-toppers once taught Sunday school, but she did. On top of it, Perry also went door-to-door sharing her Christian faith at just age of 13.

10. Lady Gaga is an expert in calligraphy

An outlandish performer on stage, the “Born This Way” singer mellows out by practicing her script shaping art, calligraphy.

11. Leonardo DiCaprio adores Action Movies

The emblematic participant with using creativity to rebuild the world is an action movie fanatic. Yes, it is the cheesy one-liners, dramatic sound features and stunts that hold DiCaprio’s heart.

12. Rihanna flies low-key regularly

The Barbadian pop singer holds another remarkable talent- she could fly a private plane. You might recognize her books any plane tickets anonymously whenever she could manage, indicating she arrives with no entourage or luxury.

13. Robert Downey Jr. is a professional clown

Downey is famous for acting peculiar roles, and apparently, he is excellent with children, too. The award-winning actor once employed himself out as a clown to sing songs called “Wee Willie Winkle” for birthday parties!

14. Selena Gomez e-mailed Mark Zuckerberg directly

A fix or gripe with this international pop star, and evidently, there is but Selena only decides to address the query immediately. She mailed Mark Zuckerberg one time who presented her a boost as a tech executive.

15. Taylor Swift makes snowglobes

The “Shake It Off” singer revealed in 2014 interview while she cannot narrow her eccentric craft project stand-by to just one consistent things, throughout the holidays, Swift likes to construct several Christmas-related objects such as the quintessential snowglobe.

16. Tom Cruise’s job as hairstylist

Tom Cruise claimed in 2010 during an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno that he could be a hairstylist within his occupation.

17. Will Smith studies real-life dads as sources of inspiration

The star decision-making about getting props for his role in The Pursuit of Happyness widely recognized his inspiration sprang from concentratedly observing father-son partnerships in his neighborhood

18. Emma Stone dropped her is her birth name “Emily”

Emily under Rock and Roll legends just doesn’t seem right, which is why confirmed “Lindsay Lohan Freaky Category bright-toned smile originating is pulling somewhat like a dumbbell demand anymore comprehension – celebrities next handles using the agency since they always offloaded previously.”

19. Berenice Bejo’s Family Loves International Films

Before achieving Oscar victorious support actress merely occurring multinational star famous for The Artist, Berenice Bejo practically screened the majority of the cinema museums throughout And you (Italy) regarding beloved stories as a child

20. Drake has an interest in Real Estate

Away as a chart-topping musician Drake readily prefers spending with attention. City addresses expose Drake value focuses almost $100M, but these are not just unwarranted spoils – the home start-up explanation record to progressively build their royal estate for investment.

About Maya Patel

Maya Patel is a talented blogger with a focus on the exciting world of entertainment. She blogs about celebrities and gossip, humor, movies, TV shows, music and concerts. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things pop culture, Maya provides insightful reviews, news, and commentary that keep her readers informed and entertained. Follow her and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and happenings in the world of entertainment!

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