Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Pregnant Women Embrace Lifestyle Changes on Journey

Pregnant Women Embrace Lifestyle Changes on Journey

Regardless of how healthy a mom is at conception, 9 in 10 women report making changes during pregnancy. For 50% of women, these changes begin in the first trimester.

A pregnant woman’s heart enlarges and blood volume increases significantly over nine months as the body nurtures a tiny human’s growth. This is just one example of the major changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy. How can a woman’s body keep up with all the new demands of pregnancy? 

Healthy lifestyle changes that help a new mom feel her best are essential when navigating the uncertainty of pregnancy.

Many Women Make Habit Changes Early in Pregnancy

The life-altering changes that come with pregnancy require alterations in lifestyle habits to ensure the safety and health of both mother and child. What changes are necessary will depend on a mother’s health and habits. Ultimately, it will be up to the mom and her doctor to decide which modifications are best.

What Changes Are Pregnant Moms Making?

There are a variety of lifestyle adjustments women make during pregnancy. 

  • 68% of women started taking a prenatal vitamin in the first trimester.
  • 50% of women started eating healthier in the first trimester.
  • 50% participated in prenatal exercise.
  • 38% drank more fluids for hydration.
  • 36% of women got more sleep at night.
  • 48% took more naps.
  • 49% got a prenatal massage.

Overall, with a focus on self-care, many women reported feeling better and navigating their pregnancy journey more easily.

Navigating Changes During Pregnancy

In addition to making changes to boost health, women will have to adjust to limitations imposed by their bodies. For example, pregnancy often induces nausea, fatigue, and pain symptoms. When these symptoms appear and disappear varies with each woman and the trimester of her pregnancy.

Typically, nausea, food aversions, and other hidden pregnancy symptoms worsen in the first trimester as hormone levels soar. Energy levels will wax and wane, with women experiencing the most fatigue in the first trimester and the end of the third trimester. 

Near the end of the first trimester, the body releases large quantities of the hormone relaxin to increase tissue laxity in preparation for childbirth. With these changes, hip and low back pain can occur as the pregnancy progresses into the second trimester.

How Cravings Affect a Woman’s Pregnancy

Carvings and food aversions can significantly affect a pregnant woman’s eating routine. Nine in 10 women reported changing their eating habits due to cravings.

  • 47% of women craved foods that were out of season, such as pumpkin pie in the summer.
  • 42% reported craving strange food combinations, such as peanut butter and pickles, or sardines and ketchup.
  • 35% craved a particular food that was hard to find or could only be found in one place.

With strange food cravings and aversions, it can feel difficult for a pregnant woman to stick to a balanced meal. Obstetricians recommend a high-quality prenatal vitamin to ensure mothers-to-be get the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Making Habit Changes for a Healthy Pregnancy

Lifestyle changes during pregnancy can be intimidating when a woman’s body changes rapidly, making them feel vulnerable and unsure. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated. There are steps a woman can take to make it easier.

First, pregnant women should work with their doctor to determine their current level of health and address any significant concerns. The biggest changes involve stopping harmful activities like drinking, smoking, or participating in high-risk activities like contact sports.

From there, they can focus on making a few small but positive changes that involve nutrition, exercise, hydration, and sleep. Rather than making sweeping changes all at once, they should focus on setting achievable goals they can stick to and enjoy.

Getting Started

Easy ways to improve health include taking a prenatal vitamin and drinking more water. Then, women can try other minor changes based on what they think will help them feel their best. These might include:

  • Participating in low-impact exercise daily, such as water aerobics or walking, starting with five minutes daily and building from there.
  • Adding one nutritious fruit or vegetable to each meal.
  • Trying foods that help fight nausea
  • Making nutrient-dense smoothies that are easy to consume when energy is low or nausea is high.
  • Taking a daily nap when energy starts to wane or set a goal of going to bed 30 minutes earlier each night.
  • Managing stress with daily meditation, journaling, or talking with a therapist.

With small achievable goals and the support of a doctor or midwife, women can make the necessary changes to have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Sustainable Change During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an extraordinary time in a woman’s life that is also very physically and mentally taxing. Embracing the journey by making small but meaningful lifestyle changes can help ensure that mom and baby feel their best throughout the nine months of pregnancy.


About Althea Kim

Get ready to be inspired by Althea Kim, the incredible lifestyle blogger behind our blog. Her captivating posts cover food and cooking, home, parenting, personal development, relationships and pets. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for exploring the joys of everyday life, Althea offers valuable insights and practical advice that empower her readers to create their best life. Follow her to discover the secrets to a fulfilling and rewarding lifestyle!

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