Summer Entertainment in Price City Peace Garden

The summer season continues, and so does Culture Connection 2023. Each Thursday evening, the community and visitors alike pack the Price City Peace Garden to enjoy free live entertainment.

Foxy Grandpa Rocks the Stage

This week, Foxy Grandpa took the stage. This group of musicians came together to bring pop rock to the crowd. Foxy Grandpa’s repertoire ranges from 1950 to now, including originals reminiscent of the yacht rock era.

More Performances to Come

The Culture Connection series is not over yet. There are a handful of performances still scheduled for this year, with Rupert Wates scheduled to entertain next.

Welsh Guitar Tunes by Rupert Wates

Wates will perform on Thursday, July 27 and is bringing Welsh guitar tunes to the Peace Garden. Gemma Griffith, a Beatles tribute band, Deltaz, and more will also appear before summer is over, so stay tuned.