New research suggests that the belief that we are not moving enough can have a negative impact on our health. However, learning how much we actually move by tracking our steps can have positive health effects, even if we do not increase our exercise levels. In a recent study, 162 adults wore tracking watches for four weeks. One group wore a watch that overestimated their step counts, while another group wore a watch that underestimated their step counts. Two other groups received accurate step count readings, with one of these groups receiving additional information on the influence of mindsets on health. The group that received accurate readings and mindset information reported better moods, higher self-esteem, and an increased sense of physical activity adequacy. The group that received underestimated readings reported lower self-esteem, poorer eating habits, and slight increases in resting heart rates and blood pressure. The study suggests that our mindset about exercise habits can influence our motivation, goals, and even our physical health. The research also shows that mindsets about exercise and health can become self-fulfilling. To leverage and revamp mindsets about exercise, individuals can start by tracking how much they move each day and celebrating their level of activity rather than comparing themselves to others. Additionally, individuals can incorporate more movement into their lifestyle through simple changes such as taking the stairs or walking to a nearby restaurant for lunch.
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