The Challenge of President-Elect Donald Trump’s Agenda
President-elect Donald Trump wants to put his entire agenda into a single, massive bill – and he wants it done “quickly.” But he will soon meet the realities of Capitol Hill, even under single-party Republican rule.
The president-elect is expected to meet with GOP senators today to discuss his agenda.
Challenges Ahead for Republicans
The challenge: Republicans are publicly and privately acknowledging the enormous task ahead in tying together a sprawling package that includes new immigration laws, energy policies, and a complex tax overhaul – along with an increase of the national debt limit and spending cuts to federal programs.
Plus, they’ll have to maintain near-total unanimity in a narrowly divided Congress, especially in the unruly House where Republicans are already expressing competing views on what the policy should entail.
On top of that, the Senate’s complex budget rules could rein in some of the GOP’s most ambitious agenda items, all as Republican leaders in both chambers are already divided over whether to pursue Trump’s agenda as one big bill or divide it up into two smaller ones.
Preparing for a Rocky Road Ahead
Some are bracing for a rocky road ahead: As members of the House GOP Conference huddled this weekend to plot their 2025 agenda, Trump’s homeland security adviser, Stephen Miller, stressed that Republicans must unite quickly behind a policy package that delivers on Trump’s mandate from voters, while acknowledging it may fall short of their ideal bill, according to three Republicans in attendance.
Read more on the Trump’s 100-day race to accomplish a sweeping policy agenda