Thursday, September 19, 2024


Climate Crisis: Will We Be Able to Survive?

climate crisis

Crisis Hits: How Can We Combat Climate Change Urgency? What Climate Crisis is All About? The amount of carbon and other gases released by human activity has given rise to a heated debate on the impact that various practices are having on the planet’s delicate ecosystem. From the increased temperatures that rising air pollution catalyzes through the acidification and bleaching …

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The 7 Secrets to a Sustainable Environment


The 7 Surprising Secrets to a Sustainable Environment Secret 1: Conserving Energy Cutting down on energy consumption is key to promoting environmental sustainability. Turning off the lights when they’re not in use, setting the thermostat to an energy-saving setting and unplugging any unused appliances are small actions that can make a massive impact on energy conservation. Secret 2: Eating a …

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The Heat Is On: Global Warming Revealed

climate change

The Warning of the Warming World Everyone knows that our planet is getting warmer. However, only a few of them actually understand the consequences of global warming. When talking about this crucial issue, it is quite easy to fall into despair and negativity. However, understanding global warming issue can elevate us into the path of positivity and changes. Let’s understand …

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Journey Beyond: Manned Missions to Discover the Mysteries of Space

manned missions

Exploring the Wonders of Space Through Journey Beyond Humanity has always been fascinated with the stars above. From our earliest times, mankind has sought to understand the mysteries of space and the secrets that it holds. With the advancements in technology, we have been able to send unmanned missions, gaining valuable insights into our universe. However, true breakthroughs and newly …

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UMich CSE Title IX under review.

UMich CSE Title IX under review.

National Science Foundation Conducts Review of University of Michigan’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering’s Title IX Compliance The National Science Foundation (NSF), an independent federal agency that provides research grants for science and engineering, is conducting a review of the University of Michigan’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) compliance with Title IX regulations. CSE has faced allegations …

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The Top 10 Innovative Ways to Save Our Planet


The Top 10 Innovative Ways to Save Our Planet The Top 10 Innovative Ways to Save Our Planet 1. Solar-Powered Transportation Solar-powered transportation, such as electric cars, buses, and bicycles, uses renewable energy and reduces dependency on fossil fuels, contributing to a better air quality and driving sustainability. 2. Vertical Gardens Vertical gardens provide a unique way to grow plants …

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The Secret World Beneath the Waves: Exploring Oceanography!


The Secret World Beneath the Waves: Exploring Oceanography! Exploring the Marvellous World of Oceanography! The blue waters that we go on a vacation to escape the hustle and bustle of our lives come with an elusive beauty that lies beneath them. Oceanography is the scientific study of the ocean and its interactions with the earth’s atmosphere, land and all living …

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Top 10 Climate Communication Strategies That Work

climate communication

Top 10 Climate Communication Strategies That Work Climate change is an issue that affects everyone on this planet. Communicating about climate change is not easy, as it can be uncomfortable for some to talk about climate change. That’s why it’s important to use effective communication strategies that can break the barriers of background noise and motivate them to take actions …

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AI outplayed humans in an illustrated history.

AI outplayed humans in an illustrated history.

AI Takes the Upper Hand Artificial intelligence (AI) has been advancing rapidly, surpassing human intelligence in many areas. One of the most prominent examples of this is in games. The game of Go, for instance, which is considered one of the most complex games ever invented, has been dominated by AI. The Game of Go Go is a board game …

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Science-based Tips for Boosting Happiness.

Science-based Tips for Boosting Happiness.

Psychologists at the University of California developed a free course called The Science of Happiness in 2014 aimed at helping students become happier in just eight weeks. The course, still offered for free on edX, teaches about connection, compassion, gratitude, and mindfulness through a series of simple activities that have been shown to increase happiness. Students who fully participated in …

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