Sunday, September 15, 2024


10 Ways Sustainable Development Shapes Our Future

sustainable development

10 Ways Sustainable Development Shapes Our Future The concept of sustainable development Sustainable development refers to a mode of social and economic growth which ensures resource availability for future generations. It looks at social, environmental, and economic factors to foster social development on a larger sustainability platform. Sustainable development is a journey of learning and adapting ideas to make progress. …

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10 Tips to Build Climate Resilience

Building Climate Resilience: Tips & Tricks Introduction Being a responsible inhabitant of the planet, it is necessary to understand our fragile climate system. Climate change is one of the biggest issues the world is currently facing, and it demands our attention. According to experts, individuals and communities need to take immediate action to reduce their carbon footprint and build resilience …

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10 Ways to Effectively Communicate Climate Change

climate communication

10 Ways to Effectively Communicate Climate Change Introduction Climate change is no longer a myth or a far-off future event that we can ignore. It is an urgent global issue that requires immediate attention and action. However, communicating the complex and often challenging topic of climate change can be difficult, especially to those who may not consider themselves as environmental …

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10 Simple Changes for a Sustainable future

sustainable development

Building a Sustainable Future with Ten Simple Changes Introduction Creating a better world for ourselves and future generations is essential in today’s world. It is crucial to adopt and execute new sustainable habits that will benefit our planet’s health and sustainability. Fortunately, we have a plethora of options available on how to be more environmentally responsible, and in this article, …

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Biology of binge eating during difficult times.

Biology of binge eating during difficult times.

Can Stress Cause Bloat, Belly Fat, and Weight Gain? While we all know that stress can negatively affect our sleep, blood pressure, and skin, it may also be the reason for stubborn weight gain, belly fat, and bloat. Even if you’re doing everything right, such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and living an active lifestyle, you may still …

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Unearthing the Wonders of Geology


The Amazing World of Geology Geology is a fascinating subject that uncovers one of our planet’s biggest mysteries: the earth’s construction. It’s a science that’s based on the research and study of minerals, rocks, and natural phenomenon that forms this world. These studies may seem tedious and uninteresting, but once you delve into the world of geology, it will dazzle …

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Asian Scientist 100 honors groundbreaking research.

Asian Scientist 100 honors groundbreaking research.

Asian Scientist Magazine Publishes 2023 Asian Scientist 100 Asian Scientist Magazine has released the eighth iteration of the Asian Scientist 100, which features scientists and industry leaders from Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. The list highlights top scientific talent in the region and …

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A Journey Through Time: The History of Volcanoes


A Journey Through Time: The History of Volcanoes Have you ever wondered about the history of volcanoes? Since time immemorial, volcanoes have fascinated and impacted people across the world. In this journey through time, we will explore the history of volcanoes from the beginning of the earth to the present day. The Birth of Volcanoes Volcanoes are a natural phenomenon …

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Extraterrestrial Bravery: The Top 20 Space Shuttle Innovations

space shuttle

Exploring the Innovations of the Space Shuttle: A Testament to Extraterrestrial Bravery Introduction: The iconic Space Shuttle has been an exceptional piece of space technology and innovation that has contributed extensively to human space exploration and research since its first appearance in 1981. Out of the numerous innovations that the Shuttle has brought into existence, some have not only been …

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T. rex was cowardly, footage proves it.

T. rex was cowardly, footage proves it.

Reimagining the Tyrannosaurus rex The second season of Apple TV+’s Prehistoric Planet is out now, and palaeontologist Darren Naish is thrilled to share his favourite scene with viewers. This scene depicts a Tyrannosaurus rex and a Quetzalcoatlus in a face-off, with the latter emerging as the more menacing of the two. According to Naish, this behaviour is not out of …

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